SafeDose releases ToxCalc!
SaferWorldbyDesign provider SafeDose Ltd. is a Canadian human health risk assessment consultancy and software development company. The team at SafeDose recognizes that chemical safety assessments can be challenging, involving a wide range of data, regulations, and assessment methods. Despite this complexity, they are committed to guiding clients through the process and ensuring the development of high-quality assessments.
ToxCalc! is a website purpose-built for toxicologists and other scientific professionals to help us do routine calculations. The goal of ToxCalc! is to help those of us who assess chemical hazards and risk work faster, with fewer errors, using the best available evidence. ToxCalc! is also designed to promote the principles of systematic review. It wants you to record and reference the calculations and default values you used and append them to your chemical safety reports so that everyone can see where the numbers came from. Finally, ToxCalc! is also designed to help you understand the math and biology behind the calculations through the use of tutorials and help features.
What ToxCalc! Currently Does
Currently, ToxCalc! implements five multidirectional calculators (converts between doses and concentrations, animal and human doses, corrects for bioavailability, and calculates health-based exposure limits).
How to Contribute?
We would love to have you contribute to this project!
If you are a toxicologist or scientific professional working in chemical safety assessment, we’d welcome your suggestions for calculations. We will prioritize calculations that are most useful to a broad audience, published in peer-reviewed journals or regulatory guidelines, and validated. Please cite the URL, or preferably, the published reference when submitting your request. If your calculation is accepted, you will be recognized as a ToxCalc! contributor. Another way to contribute is to act as a peer reviewer. Peer reviewers check the accuracy and relevance of the calculators and tools within ToxCalc!. If you’d like to be a peer reviewer, let us know here.
Are you a software developer, expert in math, visual design, usability, or any other discipline that ToxCalc! could benefit from? Get in touch here. You may earn coursework or certification credits by working on this project.
If you are interested in our developing and deploying such resources to support your work, please contact us to discuss your requirements and obtain a proposal.