FDA Modernization Act 2.0 becomes law
SaferWorldbydesign is a solution-oriented platform that integrates in silico and in vitro methods to support the design and testing of intelligent, safer products using new approach methods. One of our founding beliefs in line with the 3R principles is that using animals in research is not only inhumane but can often be unreliable and inefficient. Instead, we advocate for the increasing use of alternative methods, such as cell cultures, computer modeling, and integrated testing strategies.
Recently, the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 became law in the US, and crucially included a provision that ends the requirement of animal testing for new drugs. This is a major victory for SaferWorldbydesign and other organizations that have been advocating for further change. We hope this law will not only save the lives of countless animals, but will also lead to more efficient and effective drug development.
On the bill’s leaders, which unanimously passed in the US senate commented “The FDA Modernization Act 2.0 will accelerate innovation and get safer, more effective drugs to market more quickly by cutting red tape that is not supported by current science, and I’m proud to have led the charge. The inclusion of this bipartisan effort is a step toward ending the needless suffering and death of animal test subjects – which I’m glad both Republicans and Democrats can agree needs to end,”
Using alternative methods in drug development has been in some cases more accurate and reliable than just traditional animal testing. For example, cell cultures and computer modeling can provide a more precise understanding of how a drug will interact with human cells and organs. These new methods, in combination with human-based research, such as clinical trials, and the use of already established historical in vivo data, can provide more valuable information about how a drug will affect people in the real world.
This new law is an important step towards a more ethical and effective approach to drug development. SaferWorldbydesign will continue to work towards reducing animal testing in other areas of research and development, and we hope that this change in the US will inspire other countries and industries to follow suit.